FuelCon Fuel cell test stand


Fuel cell technology is one of the most exciting fields in the area of new energy development with high scientific and technological requirements. There is a range of different fuel cell platforms including; PEH, PAFC, DMFC, SOFC or MCFC. Each platform required different peripheral conditions concerning process technology, process-induced peculiarites or stringent operating forms. From the selection below, FuelCon offers test systems for most of these platforms. With the move towards standardized fuel cell testing, FuelCon supports the efforts of various leading research institutes worldwide, in the development, optimization and cost reduction of material and components as the fuel cell industry moves towards commercialization. Our fuel cell test systems are constructed from the following basic modules: A series of standard systems for testing both individual and stack cells can be supplied as well as tailor-made and customer-specific solutions by adding or removing modules. The advantage to our customer is the tailor-made solutions based on well-tested hard ware and soft ware components from our standardized products.


The Evaluator® C allows for a wider range of parameter testing of individual cells up to 600A. Each Evaluator® C contains the complete system technology necessary for the operation of a fuel cell including gas supply and humidification thermal management, pressure regulation and electrical load. With the help of the integrated control and operating software FuelWork® you can choose any operating and power load settings to run fully automated programmes and cycles. These systems are flexible and can be adapted to different configuration by refitting options like reformer gas simulation, impedance-spectroscopy or methanol fuel feed as well as mechanical and electrical interfaces to environmental chambers and shakers. The testing zone is completely enclosed with hydrogen sensors and ventilation control to ensure operator, equipment and facilities safety. The test bays are delivered wired and ready for connection and start up. Evaluator® C test rigs are available with specific set-ups for all fuel cell technologies (PEM, SOFC, DMFC, MCFC)


The Evaluator® S tests complete fuel cell stacks. Each Evaluator® S contains the complete system technology necessary for the operation of a stack including gas supply and humidification thermal management, pressure regulation and electrical load. With the help of the integrated control and operating software FuelWork® you can choose any operating and power load settings to run fully automated programmes and cycles. These systems are flexible and can be adapted to different parameters or configurations by refitting options like reformer gas simulation, heat disconnecting device, water-cooled and back-feed load systems, individual cell monitoring or methanol fuel feed. Fuel feed as well as electrical and mechanical interfaces to environmental chambers and shakers. The testing zone is completely enclosed with hydrogen sensors and ventilation control to ensure operator, equipment and facility safety. The testing stands are delivered wired and ready for connection and start up.


Reformer® systems resemble stacks as far as their complexity is concerned. Typical systems consist of the reformer, the shift reactor partial (selective oxidation) and thermal management subsystems. The optimal stationary and dynamic interaction of these subsystems is the challenge for fuel cell system or balance-of-plant optimization, and cannot be solved unless you have a flexible testing platform. For this challenge FuelCon has developed a flexible concept for supplying media to the different components of the system simultaneously. This concept allows a defined conditioning of gaseous and fluid media (evaporation, mixing, heating, back-feeding). Samples are taken and prepared and the conversion characteristics are assessed via accompanying analysis tools. With the help of the integrated control and operating software FuelWork® you can choose any operating and power load settings to run fully automated programmes and cycles. Thus complex analytical programmes like the investigation of the start-up performance, dynamics load evaluation, the optimization of the S/C relation, the optimization of the control structure and control parameters, the examination of the system performance using different fuels, or the examination of system life, durability and efficiency can be preformed using FuelCon 's Evaluator® R.








Abgas Abgasanalyse Ablauf abschalten Abschaltverhalten Abscheider Aggregat Alarm Alternative Ampere Analyse Analogsignal Analogsignalerfassung analysieren Anode Anodenkreislauf Anschaltverhalten Anschluß Antrieb application Applikation APU aufnehmen Aufnahme Auto Automatik automatisch automatisiert automotive autonom bedienen Bedienung befeuchten Befeuchter Befeuchtung belasten Belastung beschichten Beschichtung Betrieb Betriebsbedingung Bilanz Bilanzierung Bipolarplatte Bipolar-Platte Bodediagramm Brennstoff Brennstoffzelle Brennstoffzellen Brennstoff-Zelle Brennstoffzellenprüfstand Brennstoffzellenprüfung Brennstoffzellentechnologie Brennstoffzellenstack Brennstoffzellenstapel Brennstoffzellentechnologie Brennstoffzellenteststand Brennstoffzellentest Brücke Bubbler BUS BZ CAN CFD CH4 change chamber Charakterisierung cm cm2 CO Con CO2 Computer controller Dampf Daten Datenverarbeitung Dauer Dauerbetrieb Dauerlauf Demonstration Diagnose Diagnosesystem diffundieren Dichte Diffusion digital Display DMFC Druck Druckflasche Druckhaltung Drucktank dynamisch Dynamik Echtzeit einzel Einzelzelle Einzelzellspannung electric elektrisch elektrische Elektro Elektrochemie elektrochemisch electrochemistry Elektrode Elektroden Elektrolyse Elektrolyt Elektrolyt-Membran Elektron EME Energie Entwicklung Erdgas erfassen Erfassung Ersatzschaltbild Evaluator Evaluator-C Evaluator1 Evaluator-R Evaluator-S exchange Ex Ex-Schutz Fahrzeug FC fern Fernsteuerung fest Festelektrolyt Feuchte Fläche Flow Fluß Folie Forschung fuel cell FuelCell FuelCon Fuel-Con FuelWork Gas Gasdiffusion Gasinfrastruktur Gaskonditionierung Gasmischung Gasreinigung Gassimulation Gasversorgung Gaszusammensetzung generieren Generator Gift Gleichspannung Gleichstrom Grafik H2 Hall Hallsensor heizen Heizung HIL hybrid Hybridmembran hydrogen Impedanz Impedanzspektroskopie Ingo Benecke Interconnektorplatte Interconnectorplatte Industrie Infrastruktur Ion Ionen ionenfrei Integration Kabel Kälte Kammer Kanal Katalysator Katalyse Kathode Kathodenkreislauf Kennlinie Kennlinienverlauf Kinetik kinetisch kleben Kleber Kohlenmonoxid Kohlendioxid Kohlenstoff komplex Komponente Kondensat Kondensatabscheider kondensieren Konzentration Kreislauf kuehl Kühl Kühlmittel Kühlplatte Kühlwasser kühlen Kühlung Kurzschluss Kurzschlußanalyse Kurzschlußstrom kWe kWth l Labor LabView Ladungsträger Lambda Langzeit Langzeittest Langzeitverhalten Last Lasten Leben. Die Lebensdauer im Lebensdauertest kann mit einem Prüfstand Evalauator bestimmt werden. Im Leerlauf kann die Leerlaufspannung gemessen werden. Die Leistung bzw. Leistungsdichte ist ein wichtiger Parameter für Brennstoffzellen. Die Luft geht durch ein Maeander der Biploarplatte. Magdeburg ist der Standort von FuelCon. Der manuell Betrieb der Maschine dient der Bestimmung der Masse bzw. der Massebilanz. Der Massestrom auch mass-flow bzw. mass-flow-controller ist nach Ansicht von Mathias Bode optimal zu steuern. Simulationsprogramme wie MATLAB können leivt integriert werden. mbar MEA Membran membrane mess meß messen Messbrücke Die Messtechnik von heute ermöglicht die Messung aller Messwerte im Metallhydrid bzw. Metallhydridspeicher. Methanol Migration mobil Modell Modellgleichung Modul modular Modulation Montage montieren negativ negative Netzeinspeisung Netzrückspeisung N nl N2 Norm Normliter O2 Ortskurve PAFC Patent PC PEM PEMFC peripher Peripherie planen Planung Platin Platte plug Polymer Polymerelektrolyt Polymermembran positive portabel Potential potentiostatisch power Powerbag Power-Bag primär processor Programm Programmiersprache Profibus Projekt projektieren Projektierung Protokoll protokollieren Proton Protonenleitfähigkeit Protonenleitung proton-exchange Prozedur Prozess Prozessleitsystem prüf pruef prüfen pruefen Prüfanlage Prüffeld Prüfung Prüfstand Prüfstände Prüfstandsystem Prueffeld Prüfprogramm Prüfrezept Pruefstand Pruefstaende Pruefsystem Prüfsysteme Pumpe pumpen purge Reaktion Reinigung Reformat Reformatsimulation Reformatzusammensetzung Reformer Reformerprüfstand Reformerteststand Reforming regeln Regelung Reiben Reibung relativ relative Relaxationszeiten Relaxverfahren Rückspeisung Ruthenium S7 Sättigung Sauerstoff Schalt schalten Schicht Schnittstelle Schutz schützen sekundär Sensor Sensorik Sicherheit Sicherheitsstandard Sicherheitstechnik Sicherheitsüberwachung siemens simulieren Simulation Simulationsmodell SIMULINK Software SOFC Software Spannung spektral Spektrometrie Spektrum Speicher speichern Sprung Sprungantwort SPS spülen Spülung Stack stacks Stack´s Stackspannung Stackstrom Standard stationary stationär steuern Steuer Steuerung Stöchiometrie stöchiometrisch Stoffbilanz Stoffstrom Strom Strom-Spannungs-Kennlinie Strom-Spannungs-Messung Stromdichte Stromdichteverteilung strömen Stromkennzahl Stromversorung Stufenantwort System Systemanalyse Systemidentifikation Tank Taupunkt Technik Technikum Technologie technology Teillast Teillastverhalten Temperatur Temperaturverteilung Testanlage Test Testanlage testen Tester testing Testreihe Teststand Teststände Testsystem Testsysteme Testzentrum Testzyklus Testzyklen Transport transportieren überprüfen überwachen Überwachung UI U-I U-I-Kennlinie U/I U/I-Kennlinie untersuchen Untersuchung vehicle Ventil verarbeiten verbinden Verbindung verbrauchen Verbraucher verdampfen Verdampfer Verhalten versorgen Versorgung Versuch Versuchsanlage Versuchsbedingungen Versuchsprogramm Versuchsstand voll vollautomatisch W warm Wärme Wärmetauscher Wasser Wasserdampf Wasserkühlung Wasserstoff Wasserstoffsensor Wechselrichter Wert Widerstand Wirkungsgrad Zell Zelle Zellen Zell-Spannung Zell-Strom Zellspannung Zellstrom Zelltemperatur Zusammensetzung Zyklus 4 5 10 20 50 100 % Job Jobs Diplom Diplomarbeit Praktika Praktikum Stelle Stellenangebot

acquisition active air alarm alert alternative ampere amps analog analogue analyse analyser analysis analyze analyzer anode application APU area assembling assembly auto automated automatic automatically automation automotive autonomy auxiliary bag balance balancing bar barrier behavior bipolar bode bottle bridge bubble bubbler bus cable CAN car carbon carrier catalyst cathode CFD change chamber characteristic check cell cells cell-current cell-temperature cell-voltage chamber channel charge CH4 circuit cleaning cleaner cm cm2 CO CO2 coat cold con condensate condition conditioning connect connection control controller component composite computer concentration consume consumer consumption cool coolant cooling curve current cycle data demonstrate density development dew dew-point diagnose diagnostic diagram diffuse diffusion digital dioxide direct-voltage direct-current disconnect display distribution DMFC drive dynamic dynamical d.c. electric electrical electro electrochemical electrochemistry electrode electronic electronic-load resistance electrolyses electrolyte electrolyte-membrane electrolyze electron EME equation evaluate evaluation Evaluator Evaluator-C Evaluator-R Evaluator-S evaporate evaporator Ex exchange exchanger experiment FC fiber field flow the flowmeter is called a MFC, foil friction fuel cell test system fuelcell fuelcells fuel-cell fuel-cell-test fuel-cells FuelCon Fuel-Con FuelWork galvanic gas gas-diffusion generation generator glue graphic H H2 hall hall-sensor handle heat heater heat-exchanger HIL humid humidifier humidification humidify humidity hybrid hybrid-membrane hydrid hydrogen hydrogen-sensor idle idling impedance impedance-spectroscopy industry industrial infrastructure innovative ion instrument instrumentation integration intercept interconnect interconnector interconnector-plate interface invert inverter investigate investigation kinetic kinetically kW kWe kWel kWth l lab laboratory LabView lambda language layer liquisonic live live-time load loading logging long long-term long-time loop machine Magdeburg manual mass mass-balance massflow mass-flow mass-flow-controller MATLAB mbar MEA meander measure measurement membrane metal methane methanol migration mobile model module modulation monitor monitoring monoxide N N2 nature negative network nitrogen nl normal Nyquist O O2 off operate operating oxide oxygen PAFC panel patent PC PEM PEFC PEMFC periphery pick pilot pilot-plant plan planning plate platinum PLC PLT plug point polymer polymer-electrolyte polymer-membrane positive portable potential power power-bag pressure primary procedure process processing processor production Profibus program project protocol proton proton-conductivity proton-exchange proton-exchange-membrane pump purge purification range reaction real real-time reformat reforming reformer reforming-gas relative relaxation-time remote research resistance response ruthenium S7 Sachsen-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt safety screen screener screening SensoTech short-circuit short-circuit-analysis simulate simulation Simulink single single-cell single-cell-voltage secondary security sensor server siemens signal software SOFC solid spectral spectrometer spectrum stack stack-voltage stack-current stacks standard stationary steam stechiometry step storage Store stress supply surface switch system systems tank technical techno technology temperature test testing test-center test-field test-rig test-system toxin trap unit up value valve vapor vehicle vessel voltage waste water water-cooled 4 5 10 20 50 100 %